- TCRC is part and parcle of Sri Jagannath Mandir registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and the Registration No. is 7287-286 of 1973-74. Sri Jagannath Mandir at Koraput is not only built as an altar for worship, but also as a multipurpose centre of Jagannath Consciousness.
- Jagannath literally the Lord of the Universe, seems to have astonishing capacity to provide nourishment and happiness to all levels of human existence. He is the fountain head of a consciousness which cannot be confined within the limits of a traditional religious theological order, a cult or even a philosophical system. It is orginated from tribal culture. Jagannath has no antagonism towards any religion, caste or creed. Jagannath consciousness makes the ground ready for practice of tolerance in the real life of the individual and the society wedded to the ideal.
- TCRC : Tribal culture Research Centre (styled in Odiya as 'Sabara Sanskruti Gabeshana Kendra) was inagurated by the Former Governor of Orissa Dr. Biswambar Nath Pande on May 22, 1984. The centre is advancing in its aims in establishing two autonomous institutions - (i) The tribal museum in 1992 and (ii) COATS in 1993. The Tribal Museum is engaged to document and preserve the cultural objects (both material and non-material) of Koraput region and the COATS is mainly conducting research studies to design suitable module of economic activities for Koraput populace since 1993.
- TCRC was opened first at the Bhagabat Ghara of Sri Jagannath Mandir and subsequently shifted temporarly to the Tribal Museum, Koraput till its new building is constructed. Now the building styled as 'Gyan Mandir' (Temple of Knowledge) is almost complete. TCRC may likely be shifted to the Gyan Mandir some times in November-December, 2008.
- TCRC is regularly publishing a journal styled as 'Sabara Srikhetra Samachar' (fortnightly) in Oriya. To its credit a number books, booklets under tribal series, and occasional papers are published. Now TCRC is contemplating following projects and the preliminary phase is on. The projects are
- Modern library with latest e-services.
- Establishment of Village Information Banks.
- Panchabati : An 'Agro-Ecotour Coach Centre' (ACC).
- Establishment of a knowledge park at Koraput
6. To accomplishing the above tasks TCRC needs blessings / co-operation /support of all concerned.
The world of Libraries and Information Centres has been witnessing a sea change during the past few decades due to the information explosion and the emergence of new technologies and other scientific gadgets. A stage has reached when the traditional type of library is fast becoming obsolete and meaningless as it may be incapable of coping with the mass of knowledge in the shape of books and non-book materials. Thus, the Library -cum- Information Centres are to acquire both the books including non-book materials, process them and to disseminate them to the right person, in the right form and at the right time. In other words, quick access to information and dissemination there of.
Sabara Srikhetra is committed to equip the populace of Koraput region with such information to achieve the means for better social well-being and economic condition. Hence the establishment of this Cyan Mandir' (Knowledge Centre) is conceived by the TCRC as an unit of Sri Jagannath Mandir, Sahara Srikhetra.
The Project e-library:
The TCRC will address to the following basic points relating to Korpaut region with the collaboration of its Sister Institutions i.e. COATS and the Tribal Museum. It is also vital to make the data culture-friendly. The data collected will be formatted in the following manner.
(a) Profile of resources inventory of each village including population containing sex, literacy, land, water, livestock, irrigation facilities, farming pattern, occupation, crafts, folk arts, folk dances, natural resources, institutions, mines, minerals, forests etc and environment.
(b) Pattern of traditional agriculture technology followed, cropping systems, land use pattern, marketing, agriculture, forest produces, handicrafts and cottage industries etc. for finding out scope of improvement.
(c) Identify the various kinds of development programmes implemented in the villages since independence and programmes/schemes which are still continuing.
(d) Prepare the village wise profiles of the beneficiaries of the development programmes.
(e) Store information on health, education, human resource development/employment, financial status, legal problems and other related topics of community interest.
(f) Prepare realistic packages by way of formulating macro and micro schemes to help the villages in getting information necessary for their activities, such as, seeking assistance under various development schemes, including the names & address of the concerned contact officials, marketing of their agriculture and other products, including those of small scale and cottage industries as well as handicrafts, availing of credit facilities, education of children, employment opportunities, legal assistance etc.
(g) Collect such other information which can perhaps be helpful for the overall use of the people as a whole and the local government officials, N.G.O's and people's representatives of the Koraput region.
TCRC invites all concerned, both the Government & Non-Government agencies to extend their co-operation, collaboration, contribution to serve the Koraput region consisting of Koraput, Rayagada, Nabarangpur & Malkangiri districts of southern part of Orissa state in India. This region is the abode of primitive tribes, thus declared as a Scheduled Area under the Constitution of India.